According to your needs
Brudy Plus has been designed to supplement the daily needs of essential fatty acids from the omega-3 family. Brudy has developed and patented a unique and exclusive source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), different from other products with DHA on the market: Tricosahexaenoin-AOX®.
Brudy DHA 1200
Brudy DHA 1200 has been designed to supplement the daily needs of essential fatty acids from the omega-3 family. Brudy has developed and patented a unique and exclusive source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), different from other products with DHA on the market: Tricosahexaenoin-AOX®.
BRUDYIMMUNO has been designed to supplement the daily needs of essential fatty acids of the omega-3 family and the included group of vitamins and minerals.
For the dietary management of those liver diseases in which there is malnutrition ar risk of malnutrition
BRUDYGYNE DRY ha sido ideado para complementar las necesidades diarias de ácidos grasos esenciales de la familia Omega 3, y del grupo incluido de vitaminas, minerales y glutatión.
BRUDY GREEN is a food supplement with vegan omega-3 fatty acids as triglycerides.