

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid from the family of omega-3 fatty acids, which comes from the marine food chain.

Plankton microalgae are the producers of DHA, and the marine animals that feed on them enrich their tissues with it. Dietary consumption of fish and shellfish is the basic source of DHA for humans.

Humans have great difficulty in obtaining it from the omega-3 precursor present in terrestrial vegetables and seeds, such as alpha-linolenic acid. The lack of certain enzymes in our body makes it difficult for us to obtain it from it and forces us to get it from seafood.

DHA is the most highly concentrated polyunsaturated fatty acid in the membranes of brain neurons and retinal photoreceptors and is essential for proper fetal neurodevelopment and normal human brain and visual function.

Different images of the structure of DHA, which has 22 carbons and 6 double bonds in the cis position. The a carbon is located at the carboxylic end (COOH) and the  carbon at the methyl end (CH3).


The European Food Safety Agency and the European Commission admit the health effects of DHA for humans and allow them to be claimed and advertised as long as the consumer is informed of the necessary daily amount to obtain these healthy effects.

Healthy effects DHA approved by the European Commission.


It is a triglyceride of omega-3 fatty acids (70% DHA), which is obtained or isolated from a food with a history of safe consumption (fish), through the action of an authorized enzyme that maintains the properties of the triglycerides present in the fish oil.

Triglycerides are structures formed by a glycerol molecule to which up to three fatty acids are attached. They are the physiological forms in which fatty acids circulate through our body.

In human breast milk there are only triglycerides, as this is the ideal chemical form to be absorbed by the human digestive tract, in addition to facilitating its conversion into phospholipids, which are the chemical forms in which fatty acids are found forming the membranes of our cells.

Image of the membrane of a neuron enriched in arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).